Let Your Purpose Find You
Let Your Purpose Find You
Think of a time when you’ve lost something, an earring, a set of keys. The harder you searched the more frustrated you became, and the less likely you were to find it.
Now think of a time when you’ve lost something or misplaced something and decided it was no big deal, it will turn up. You relaxed, stopped searching and almost by magic it showed up. And if you didn’t find it, something better showed up to take it’s place or you realized it just wasn’t that important after all.
What happens when we struggle and push to find or life purpose is we become frustrated and anxious and create an environment where it’s impossible to feel any contentment. We are convinced we must struggle and push, and that when we do find “our purpose” it will make us happy and bring us more joy. When really the opposite is true.
Think of the possibilities that will be shown to you when you relax, be still and look inside. There is possibility in silence and creating space for our purpose to naturally evolve, to find us! Be more of an observer of your thoughts and just be! Only then can you BE-DO AND HAVE!
Allow, relax, be happy and grateful in the moment and your purpose will find you if you create the space and allow it in! And when your purpose finds you - you will find joy. Look inside for self validation, everything you need in life comes from within!